Wednesday, May 27, 2015

MTHFR Made Easy - With Dr. Benjamin Lynch

Dr. Benjamin Lynch is called "Dr. MTHFR" because he researches on that subject, treats patients with the MTHFR gene mutation and also because he writes about it and has many presentations about it.

* It's about gene defects that can cause about 40 kinds of illnesses
* Present in 45% of the population
* Corrected through nutrition supplements (B Vitamins + Folate)

Link: MTHFR.Net - See presentation from Underground Wellness

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself.

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Toxicity in Personal Care Products - By Deanna Minich, PhD

These are my notes dated 02/19/15 from the presentation by Deanna Minich, PhD, CNS, RYT
Link to Health Summit: Toxicity - Personal Care Recording

The five organs of detox are:  the skin, lungs, kidney, liver and gut.
See research on the EWG Site:  Environmental Working Group
See research on Safe Cosmetics.Org site:

Avoid common allergens in personal care products:  BROWS (Barley, Rye, Oat, Wheat and Spelt)
Avoid  Wheat, Soy and Corn products
Avoid Vitamin E products because they often contain wheat.
Avoid oat products because they can be allergens.
Barley products are labeled as the Latin name, "Hordeum Vulgare"
Look for "GT" Gluten Free products

Avoid Parabens:   Anti-microbial preservatives typically found in deodorant and they are absorbed through skin and have been associated with certain types of tumors or cancers.
Look for "Paraben Free" products

Avoid Phthalates:  Studies show that Phthalates are linked to reproductive disordered, and development of allergies.  Mani-Pedi products contain Dibutyl-Phthalates.  Phthalates are found in perfumes, lotions, laquers, varnishes, coatings on time release medicine, and Type 3 plastic packaging of personal care products.  Phthalates can evaporate off flooring and wall coverings.  Most Americans tested by the Center for Disease Control have metabolites of multiple phthalates in their urine.  We have more pollution indoors than we have outside. So, try to get outside for fresh air.

Avoid BPA (Bisphenyl-A) and Monoethyl Phathalates:  They are xeno estrogens and they cause elevated breast density.

Avoid Polyethylene Glycol and Polyethelene Compounds:  They are frequently contaminated with other compounds like 1,4 dioxane which the US Government considers as a carcinogen and can readily penetrate the skin.

Avoid Triclosan:  Bad for the aquatic environment.  Used in anti-microbial products.  Over use of this preservative may promotes the development of bacterial resistances.  Can contain pesticide residues. Found in soap bars and shampoos.

Avoid Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS):  Found in tooth paste and shampoos and body washes.  A detergent that tends to be contaminated with other metabolites that aren't very good.  It can cause irritation, organ toxicity, reproductive problems, endocrine disruption, increased cancer risks.

Avoid FD&C Color and Pigments:  Red Dye # 40, Yellow Dye, Red # 33 are all throughout foods and personal care products.  Reduce or eliminate dyes.  See A to Z Guide to Food Additives : Never Eat What You Can't Pronounce by Deanna Minich, PhD  She plans to write a guide to personal care additives as well.

Avoid Hair Dyes:  The darker dyes are the worst.  Pregnant women should avoid all hair dyes.  Try to apply a petroleum based ointment to the scalp prior to application of the hair dye.  Reduce the time to the exposure to hair dye.

Avoid Coal Tar in Hair Dyes.  It is contained in 71% of hair dyes and is a by product of coal processing and is a human carcinogen according to the National Toxicology Program and International Agency for Research.

Avoid DMDM Hydantoin:  A preservative from Japan, may cause immune related issues.

Avoid Formadehyde:  Found in hair dyes and laundry detergent.  It is used as an embalming agent.  It is a preservative.  It's found in Round-Up Ready Corn.  It will wreck DNA and cause cancer and cause reproductive problems.  See Dr. Stephanie Seneff : On Formaldehyde (Listen @ 15 minutes)

Avoid Phenyl Methyl Pyrazolone:  An agent that comes from coal tar. Can cause head aches, cough, irritation, shortness of breath. Can cause a higher risk of learning difficulties to fetuses.

Avoid Resorcinol:  It causes thyroid problems.  The US Government regulates it in the work place but not in personal care products. 

Avoid Bronopol:  It is an anti-microbial.  It can cause irritation and develop allergies.  It releases formadehyde (it's called a formaldehyde releaser).  20% of cosmetics contain formadelhyde releasers.  See EWG : On Bronopol & Formaldehyde Releasers

Avoid Fragrances:  They have an average of 14 undisclosed chemicals on fragrance labels.  They can cause us to react.  An alternative is to use essential oils.

Avoid BHA/BHT:   These are preservatives.  BHA is listed in the State of California as a carcinogen.  The accumulated effects of using products with BHA/BHT can cause cancer.

Avoid Benzalkonium Chloride:   It's a preservative and sensitizer for people with astham and eczema.  The Cosmetic Safety Database states that this is an immune, skin and respiratory toxicative.  It has mutative effects.  This could be in skin anti-septics, hand sanitizers, and wet wipes.
See U.S. Food and Drug Administration : Cosmetics 
* Alternatives:  (1) use soap and water; or (2) dilute tea tree oil in water, add witch hazel, lavendar, aloe vera gel and Vitamin E

Avoid Oxybenzone:  Linked to irritation, sensitization and allergies, hormone disruptor.  In a study of over 400 pregnant women baby girls were born at lower weights and boys were born with higher weights.  This is contained in sun screen.

Avoid Aluminum:  Found in deodorants, in baking soda products also.

Avoid Chlorinated Paper Products:  Toilet paper and sanitary napkins

Things to Do: 
  • Buy products that are:  Phthalate Free, Gluten Free, Fluoride Free, Fragrance Free
  • Do not buy products with:  Artificial Sweeteners in tooth paste and mouth wash
  • For Hair Care:  Choose 3 or more organic shampoos and rotate them
  • Eat Well because it will give you the glow from the inside 
  • Toothpaste, Teeth and Gums, Mouthwash: use neem products 
  • Mouthwash:  Use coconut or sesame oil as an oil pulling mouthwash 
  • Deodorant:   Eat more greens and this will bind to your toxins and carry them out of the body better. 
  • Make-up:  Mineral based make-up are good, make-up containing zinc can lessen redness. 
  • Eyes:  Supplement with Lutein 20 mg and Zeoxanthin on a regular basis.  It's a yellow compound in Marigolds and it can embed into the skin and help with hydration.
  • Skin:  Supplement with sulphur is good for your liver health and it will help with skin.
  • Use Seventh Generation and Natracare which have chlorine free paper products (toilet paper and sanitary napkins)
  • Use French Green Clay to make a face mask or put in the bath water
  • Use a nasal spray when traveling.  She uses an herbal nasal spray.  She uses a Neti Pot and also Sinu Orega by North American Herb and Spice.  
  • Use a tongue scraper for mouth health. 
  • Use bar soap for shaving cream.  She doesn't like synthetic foams in shaving creams.

Studies:  A study done by the University of Washington states that women who die their hair have a 50% risk of developing non-Hodgskins Lymphoma with prolonged use of dark hair dyes (20 years or more).

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Thank you for your attention.
Yours Truly,

Lisa Flood
Creative Soap Formulator

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself.

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

A - Z Resources

Friends, I am providing links to doctors (and other healers), their supplements, and research venues.  They are highly reputable natural medicine and functional medicine doctors as well as herbalists and others.  They provide the best in quality for products and health care services.   This is a live document, a work in progress. Please check back for additional entries.  I am recommending what I find as the highest quality products and services.

Lisa M. Flood
AIDS - Cure:  Link: Nigerian Professor Creates Drug that Cures AIDS & HIV
* Let's count the cures and wonder why people are not getting treatment
Autism - See Dr. Stephanie Seneff
Autism - See Dr. Martha Herbert
Link: Martha Herbert
 Michael Anthony, Medical Medium      
* He gives advice on herbal supplements on Facebook and via email.  He recommends high quality supplements from other sellers.

Medical Medium
PO Box 025250, #38026
Miami, FL 33102-5250
Dr. Axe Premium Products
Link: Dr. Axe
David Brownstein, MD
* Specializes in treatment with iodine to prevent cancer.
Link: Dr. Brownstein
* He was inspired to become a naturopath to help heal his father of Thyroid Cancer.
  • The Statin Disaster
  • Vitamin B-12 for Health
  • Iodine, Why You Need It
  • Overcoming Thyroid Disorders
  • The Miracle of Natural Hormones
  • Drugs that Don't work and Natural Therapies that Do
  • Overcoming Arthritis
  • Salt Your Way to Health
  • The Guide to Healthy Eating
  • The Guide to a Gluten Free Diet
  • The Guide to a Dairy Free Diet
  • The Soy Deception
  • The Skinny on Fats
Chris Beat Cancer 
Link: Chris Beat Cancer
* He overcame cancer through an organic diet.

Chris Wark
111 S. Highland #327
Memphis, Tennessee 38111
Cholesterol and Use of Statin Drugs
Notes from Medical Videos and Health Summits:
  • Statin drugs do damage, cause increase risk of diabetes, disrupts the brain, causes heart disease, disrupts the Mevalonate pathway, statins are a toxic chemical.
  • Cholesterol is a precursor to sex hormones, Vitamin D, and for energy management of the cell and to keep it safe. 
  • Sulfate deficiency is caused by Glyphosate (herbicide used by Monsanto on GMO crops), which causes LDL to increase.  If there is enough sulfate in the heart the fat will go away.  Sulfate is made in response to sunlight.  If you don't get enough sun, then you will lack sulfate.  It is synthesized in the cells through cholesterol.  Sulfate protects the red blood cells.
  • LDL is a system to deliver cholesterol and fats to the tissues.
  • Statins reduce LDL and then the muscles don't work well, they fail, they become weak. 
  • LDL also protects you from infections
  • Taurine is normally stored in the heart waiting to become sulfate in an emergency situation. This occurs in a small heart attack that does not do any damage.  It improves the heart signaling.  It is the only sulfonated amino acid.
  • In a heart attack the heart dumps out Taurine in to the blood to make Taurine turn into sulfate.
  • When you take a statin you are not allowing your sulfate to be renewed.
  • Alternatives to Statins: organic diet, soups, sulfate supplements (N-Acetyl Cystine, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chondroiton Sulfate, Glucosamine Sulfate).  
  • Most of the above comes from the Dr. Stephanie Seneff videos.
Link: Dr. Stephanie Seneff - The Great Cholesterol Deception
Link: Dr. Stephanie Seneff - This Doctor Hates Statin Drugs 
Link: Andreas Moritz - The Shocking Main Reason for High Cholesterol
Link: Dr. Mark Hyman - How do I lower my Cholesterol
Link: Dr. Perlmutter - LDL is Your Friend
Link: The International Network of Cholesterol Skeptics
Link: How Cholesterol Crystals Causes Fatal Heart Attacks
Suzy Cohen, RPH       
Link: Suzy Cohen's Store
* She is called "America's Pharmacist"
  • Drug Muggers
  • Thyroid Healthy
  • Diabetes Without Drugs
  • Headache Free
  • Understanding Pancreatitis and Pancreatic Cancer
  • Eczema
  • Itching for a Cure
Bob DeMaria, ND
* The "Drugless Doctor"
* He is a featured speaker on
Link: The Drugless Doctor
Link: Dr. Bob DeMaria - Too Much Estrogen? Every Man Should Watch This!
Detox Formula : By Vital Nutrients
* A detox is also referred to as a "cleanse" and can involve diet modifications and taking supplements to release toxins. A detox is more gentle. Chelation is more intense and involves different substances that remove more toxins and bacteria, then re-introducing beneficial bacteria is important.

* This formula detoxes the Liver
* Improves energy and decreases pain
* Decreases liver enzymes
* Use this supplement with an elimination diet:  eliminate grains, sugar, dairy, potatoes, citrus for weeks 1-4.  Allow 1 grain (rice or buckwheat) per day going forward.
Link: Detox Formula by Vital Nutrients, Middletown, CT
Earther Academy with Dr. Robert Cassar (Hawaii)
Link: Earther Academy Web Site
* Research Institute / Student School
* Private Digital School for Advanced Learning

Earth Shift Products (Hawaii)
Link: Earth Shift Products Web Site
* Owned by Dr. Robert Cassar
* Dr. Cassar sends his products out for testing in a lab to confirm if foods and substances are chemical tree, organic and the level of purity.
* He is the founder of the Earther Academy.

Earth Shift Project
Link: YouTube Channel: Earth Shift

Estrogen - See Dr. Bob DeMaria
Estrogen - See Dr. Christiane Northrup

Link: Dr. David Brady on Fibromyalgia
What is Fibromyalgia?
* It's the perception of pain in the absence of injuries
* It starts with the thyroid and is usually over looked for a decade before it is recognized.
* Anthony William, Medical Medium - had a presentation on Adrenal Fatigue and Thyroid Issues, 02/25/14.  Notes to be posted under separate blog page soon.
Fluoride causes brain damage and DNA damage in lymphocytes (white blood cells called Natural Killers (NK) of tumors and virally infected cells). Turmeric, Iodine, Kelp and other seas vegetebles and Tamarind can be used to defend cells from Fluoride.
Link: See Green Med Info - How to Detox from Fluoride
* Can cause cancer
* Found in laundry detergent masked by fragrance oils
* Found in personal care products
* Found on fruits and vegetables as a preservative
* Found in hair dyes.  Women who use the darkest color hair dyes for 20+ years have a high chance of getting a lymphoma type cancer. Choose organic hair dyes as an alternative, and coat the scalp with petroleum jelly to prevent dye from penetrating scalp.
* It's found in Round-Up Ready Corn.  It will wreck DNA and cause cancer and cause reproductive problems.  Link: Dr. Stephanie Seneff (Listen @ 15 minutes)

Link: Formaldehyde Testing

Ann Louise Gittelman, First Lady of Nutrition
Author:  She has authored many books. Please see her web site for a full list.
* She is a featured speaker on iHealth Tube and other internet Channels

* Her books focus on various types of cleansing and detox subjects
* She is a PhD and her articles are brilliant and educational
Link: Anne Louise - Palm Fruit Oil: The Good, The Bad And The Ugly 
Dr. Peter Glidden
* Causes of All Diseases = Mineral Deficiencies
* Eating wheat, barley, rye and oatmeal makes it difficult to break down amino acids in the proteins of grains
Link: Dr. Peter Glidden - iHealth Tube Channel 

Dr. Sara Gottfried* Author:  The Hormone Cure, The Hormone Reset Diet
* She is a board certified OBGYN doctor and endocrinologist
* Her articles are brilliant and highly educational
Link: Sara Gottfried MD
Founder:  Sayer Ji, medical researcher and activist
* He has been featured on several health summits
* His research is based on his review and indexing of Pub Med articles and other US Governmental research database articles

Link: Green Med Info
27499 Riverview Center Blvd.
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
Dr. Hyman (Massachusetts)
Link: Dr. Hyman
* He is a functional medicine doctor and he has treated President Bill Clinton
* He has a detox program referred to as the 10 Day Detox only because most Americans want to get things done fast. In truth, we need to do detoxes for longer periods depending upon your health status.
Author:  The Blood Sugar Solution and The Ten Day Detox
Dr. Martha Herbert (Massachusetts)
* Specialist in Autism
* Author:  The Autism Revolution

* Her resources are must haves for parents of autistic children
* She was featured in a health summit in 2014 and she stated that the brain can recover from autism with a special diet and supplements
* She has explained that autistic children are highly sensitive to toxins in the brain, especially mercury
* The goal of every parent of an autistic child should be to provide an organic diet free of harmful chemicals, then there will be more good and less bad hours, minutes and days.
Link: Dr. Martha
Link: Dr. Martha Herbert - Talk on the Autism Revolution

Link: Dr. Martha Herbert - Autism Can Be Reversed
Link: Dr. Martha Herbert - The Autism Revolution
iHealth Tube
Link: iHealth




Dr. Benjamin Lynch (Washington)

* Known as "Dr. MTHFR" because he is a specialist in this area.
* Speaks and writes about the MTHFR gene defect present in 40-50% of the population that can cause about 40 different kinds of diseases.
* Has been a guest speaker on the Thyroid Summit and Detox Summit and other summits recently
Link: MTHFR Net
Link: MTHFR Resources
Link: Find an MTHFR Doctor
Link: Seeking Health (Shopping)

Andreas Moritz, Medical Medium 
*Author:  See his book list
* He specialized in liver and gallbladder diseases
* He was a regular speaker on
* Main reason for high cholesterol is because bile ducts are clogged in the liver
* Statins destroy the liver by suppressing livers ability to manufacture cholesterol
Link: Ener Chi Web Site
Link: The Shocking Main Reason for High Cholesterol Halfway Through This!

 Greg Madden
* Biologist and Biontologist at Illuminated Wellness
* He studied light therapy at the Institute for Applied Biophoton Services
* The best way to reach him is to contact him on Facebook
* Disease begins with the absence of light. He is a light worker and can help.
* Johan Boswinkel, Biophysicist invented the Chiren, device used in biophoton light therapy
* Dr. Fritz Popp is the founder of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss (1996), Germany, an international network of 19 research groups from 13 countries involved in biophoton research and coherence systems in biology.
Link to Video: Biontology with Johan Boswinkel - 1
Link to Video: Biontology with Johan Boswinkel - 2
Link to Video: Dr. Fritz Popp, the Founder of Biophoton Therapy


Natural News  with Mike Adams (Texas)
Mike Adams is the founder and "Health Ranger"
* He reports on health related news

* Prussian Blue : Can eliminate Cesium 137 from the Body, it is a blue dye, scientists are now working on making a supplement, search Natural News for more info.
Link: Natural News 
Link: CDC - Prussian Blue  
Dr. Northrup (Maine)

Link: Dr. Northrup
* OBGYN and naturopath who speaks and writes about women's issues, especially women in menopause. She has online programs and other events.
* The REVEAL Immersion: Unveiling the Divine Feminine @ Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health, Stockbridge, MA – June 12, 2015
* I Can Do It: 2015 (UK) @ The Light Friends House, London, UK – September 6, 2015
Author:  Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause
* Affiliation / pending on 05/25/15

Dr. David Perlmutter
Link: Dr. Perlmutter - LDL is Your Friend
Phthalates :  Why You Should Avoid Them
* Found in soft and hard plastics, shampoos and fragrance oils
* They are chemicals that feminize males & cause birth defects
* Pregnant women should avoid all environmental chemicals
Link: CBS News - On Phthalates
Link: FDA - Cosmetic Ingredients - Phthalates
Pu Erh Tea
Link: Greer

Dr. Quatab and Dr. Karen Way (Massachusetts)
Link: Spa Docs
Élan Vital Medical Center
21 West Street
Worcester, MA 06109 

* Known as "Nitro Doc" for his writings and speaking on the beneficial health effects of Nitrix Oxide
* Oriental Medicine Doctor and he practices Ayurvedic medicine and offers services in predictive genomics.  He is an excellent diagnostician.  
* Dr. Way is a chiropractor
Author:  Nitric Oxide (see Nitro Doc Web Site)

Reishi Mushrooms
Suzy Cohen, Pharmacist & Naturopath

Link: Suzy Cohen - How to Make the Tea of Immortality
Link: Revolution of Thought 1 Channel: How to Make Tea with Reishi Mushrooms
Super Food Evolution Channel: Reishi Mushrooms
Research Venues:
Link: Green Med Info Web Site
Link: U.S. National Library of Medicine

Summits:  These are past health summits. It may be still possible to get a CD or download for a cost of the presentations on the summits that took place in the past.

Anxiety Summit / May 2015 - The Anxiety Summit
Diabetes World Summit -
Essential Oils Revolution Summit -
Glowing Skin Summit / May 2015 -
International Cardiovascular Nutrition Summit -
Nutrition to Balance Hormones -
Thyroid Summit with Suzy Cohen and Dr. David Brownstein - Thyroid Summit
Dr. Stephanie Seneff (Massachusetts)
* MIT professor and explains about Monsanto's Roundup Ready Herbicide (Glyphosate) and how harmful it is for your health.
* She believes over half of the children born in 2025 will have autism due to foods made with the herbicide Glyphosate.  In 2014 one in sixteen children are born with autism according to the Center for Disease Control.
Link: Institute for Responsible Technology - The Health Dangers of Roundup (glyphosate) Herbicide. Jeffrey Smith & Stephanie Seneff
Link: MIT Doctor Links Glyphosate to Autism Spike - Dr. Stephanie Seneff 

Link: Dr. Stefanie Seneff - The Great Cholesterol Deception

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (Hawaii)
* Specializes in Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Link: End Fatigue Web Site
Thyroid Treament
See Dr. Sara Gottfried
Link: Stop The Thyroid Madness
Link: How to Find a Good Doctor
Toxins & Detoxing
Toxins - see Fluoride 
Toxins - see Phthalates
Toxicity in the Environment:  Presentation by Deanna Minnich, PhD   (see notes under separate blog post)
Link: iHealth Tube - Dr. Walter Crinnion
* 80% of Toxins in your body are not persistent and can be eliminated with a 3 week cleanse.
* Advice: eliminate substances loaded with toxicants including personal care products (contain Phthalates, solvents), foods like pork, bacon and foods treated with pesticides. Foods with DEHP (phthalates aka plasticizers found in fragrances) causes endometriosis. Get a good high quality air filter. Lifestyle changes are required.
University of Bridgeport Naturopath Medicine Clinic - Dr. David Brady (Connecticut)
* Cell Fuel - Weight Loss Program that Effects Mitochondria
* Helps patients with fatigue, lethargy, and those who store fat easily because they have a genome to survive through famine.
Link: Video With Dr. Brady, Associate Professor @ University of Bridgeport
Link: UB Naturopath Medicine Clinic
Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies
* Dr. Peter Osborn from Web Wellness University
Link: Dr. Peter Osborn on Symptoms of Vitamin B1 Deficiency
*B1 is Thiamin = necessary for maintenance of nerve cells
* Deficiency is common in gastrointestinal problems, inability to concentrate, depression, generalized nerve damage that can trigger a seizure disorder.
* Deficiency effects blood levels for chemicals lactate and pyruvate leads to increased acidic build-up, muscle pain, fatigue, reduced energy capacity, muscle damage in the heart (congestive heart failure)
* Deficiency can cause edema, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, hypertension.  Doctor prescribe diuretics but it prevents Vitamin B1 from getting into the Heart tissue
* Putting patients on anti-seizure medication can cause a Vitamin B deficiency
* B1 Deficiency Disease = Beri Beri effects your heart and nervous tissue
* Chemical made by B1:  Molecule Acetyl Choline (nervous chemical)

Link: Dr. Peter Osborn on Symptoms of Vitamin B5 Deficiency
* B5 is Pantothenic Acid:  Fuel for the adrenal glands, helps adrenal glands produce cortisol, helps to stimulate the adrenal glands ability to produce a chemical to fight stress, helps to stimulate adrenal glands, helps us cope with allergies, helps us create antibodies (IGG, IGA etc)  to improve our immune system to defend from all the different types of allergenic responses (environmental, viruses, bacteria, parasites)
* Chemical made by B5:  Acetyl Coa / Acetyl Choline:  primary nerve chemical allows our nervous to communicate with organs (heart, lung, spleen, kidney, liver), nerves communicate with out muscles (neuropathy).
* Symptoms:  Deficiency causes adrenal problems, nerve system problems, reduces bodies ability to make antibodies, burning feet, head aches, inability to deal with stress, burning feet neuropathy, headaches, gastro-intestinal pain, grey hair
* Test:  Lymphocyte proliferation for Vitamin B5
* Foods high in B5 is found in all foods, but we can become deficient because of losing our ability to cope with stress.  Meat, milk, fish eggs have highest content of B5.

William Walsh, PhD (Illinois)
* Founder of Walsh Research Institute
* Author:  Nutrient Power
Link: Walsh Institute

* Research institute offers testing for the MTHFR gene defect and treatment for individuals with these problems.  Dr. Walsh has been featured on health summits and YouTube video interviews
* He has studied thousands of individuals with MTHFR gene defects, cost for testing is about $80, and can identify individuals who cannot tolerate medicines that can result in extremely violent behavior (think shootings in Sandy Hook, Connecticut).

Nutrient Power: Heal Your Biochemistry and Heal Your Brain by William J. Walsh, PhD
Natural Healing for ADHD, Autism, Behavior Disorders, Depression, Schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's
Dr. Jonathan V. Wright (Washington)
* He can shrink ovarian cysts naturally with iodine therapy
Link: Tahoma Clinic
Link: Video on High Blood Pressure & Diabetes

Doctor Recommended : High Blood Pressure Treatments
* Vitamin D, Diet & Exercise
 * Test for and Remove Toxic Metals through IV Chelation
* Test for Insulin Resistance = Type II Diabetes (because increased insulin effects the liver to make more cholesterol, and ends up causing hypertension)
* Botanical Berberine can get insulin signal under control.
* Magnesium Citrate Supplementation - best for absorption







Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself.

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Enzymes: Take Enzymes to Feel Like A Teenager in your 60's by Victoras Kulvinskas

Victoras Kulvinskas (author of Survival in the 21st Century)
* If you want to feel like a teenager again in your 60's, then you need to take enzymes. Because by the time you reach your 60's you just lost 80% of your enzymes.

* To hear that start at 12 minutes into the video

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself.

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Diabetes: This Chemical Bleaches Flour and Triggers Diabetes - By Suzy Cohen, America's Pharmacist

From Suzy Cohen, America's Pharmacist
This chemical bleaches flour and triggers diabetes

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Thank you for your attention.
Yours Truly,

Lisa Flood
Creative Soap Formulator

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Folate vs. Folic Acid : By Dr. Benjamin Lynch, the MTHFR Doctor

Did you know that folate is better than folic acid?  That is because folate is derived from plants and folic acid is synthetic.  It makes a difference in your vitamins.  I always found that you can get the best vitamins from naturopaths and other medical doctors who have pharmaceutical quality vitamins and supplements.

Dr. Ben Lynch explains why folate works better than folic acid in vitamins. It's very important ! See his gift which is another video about MTHFR gene defect in 40-50% of the population -- makes people unable to process synthetic folic acid and other synthetic drugs.


Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Underground Wellness : Gerald Roliz: Ex-Pharma Sales Rep Tells All

From Blog Talk Radio:  Underground Wellness is a series of health related blog talks with

Sean Croxton is the host and his guest is Gerald Roliz, a former pharmaceutical sales rep.

Gerald Roliz tells all about how working for a pharmaceutical company he had to sell drugs to doctors and persuade them to prescribe drugs that were not effective.  He often provided kick backs to doctors and they were willing to prescribe drugs without even questioning the effectiveness or the side effects of the drugs.


Blog Talk Radio: Underground Wellness

The Healing

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Thank you for your attention.
Yours Truly,

Lisa Flood
Creative Soap Formulator

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Pu Erh Tea : Ancient Tea From China

Ancient Pu-erh Tea from the Yunnan Province of China is a fermented tea (sometimes spelled Puer Tea). This tea is said to shrinks fat cells through its enzymes.  See Dr. Oz : Weight Loss with Pu Erh Tea

It makes the strongest cup of tea that is very black and the caffeine content is similar to coffee.  It really makes you feel focused.  It can help with blood circulation and is supposed to go through the blood brain barrier.  You can buy Pu-Erh Tea from Numi Tea products, but the tea is very weak.  I prefer to make my tea using bulk tea leaves from an herb store and I brew it as black as coffee with cream and honey for best results.

* I first paid attention to Pu Erh Tea when I found that Ming Wu, a Chinese Medicine Healer in Connecticut wrote about it on his blog in the Chinese language that he used Pu Erh Tea and Reishi Mushrooms to cure cancer for one of his patients.  Naturally I used an online translator to find this information.  I thought this deserved some attention.  

* Caution:  Tea can be a diuretic and can make you lose minerals.

* Make sure you remember to take mineral supplements and drink plenty of spring water. 


Where to Buy Pu Erh Tea:
  • Mountain Rose Herbs
  • Numi Tea Products
  • Wu Healing Center:  Wu Healing Center
  • Direct from China - see sellers on Ebay 

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Magnesium Deficiency : A Common Mineral Deficiency that can Cause Serious Health Problems

Magnesium Deficiency

* This subject deserves a great deal of attention.  I first learned about "Mag" when my daughter started to get elevated blood pressure as a teenager.  I took her to our Ayurvedic naturopath doctor who told us that in all hospitals across the world they use a Magnesium drip to bring down blood pressure.  At that time he recommended an oral supplement.

* The best test is a Magnesium RBC (Red Blood Count) Test which tells how magnesium is holding up in the blood cells.

* Deficiency can cause a heart attack, sleep problems, depression, problems with the muscles and nerves

* Magnesium enables all muscle movement:  Got Mag's Video

* For more info see:

* Dr. Carolyn Dean is an expert on Magnesium supplementation:  Dr. Carolyn Dean - Magnesium Miracle

* See Facebook Group to connect with practitioners using Magnesium and individuals also who use supplementation:  Magnesium Advocacy

* There are many kinds of Magnesium oral supplements to choose from.   Supplements that end with Oxide are made with rock and are hard to absorb Magnesium.

* Treat and Prevent Heart Disease with this Life Saving Mineral :  By Ann Louis, PhD
  • Magnesium Taurate is best for heart health
  • Magnesium Citrate is best absorbed (she forgot that)
  • Magnesium Glycinate is very calming and helps with sleep
    Magnesium Oxide is the least absorbed because it is made out of ground up rocks
  • Link:

* More links to come.

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Thank you for your attention.
Yours Truly,

Lisa Flood
Creative Soap Formulator

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.

Weight Loss with Natural Supplements : By Dr. David Brady

Dr. David Brady, Associate Professor of Clinical Science at the University of Bridgeport Naturopath Medical Clinic

* Cell Fuel - Weight Loss Program that Effects Mitochondria

* Helps patients with fatigue, lethargy, and those who store fat easily because they have a genome to survive through famine. Wonderful products -- but they will cost you $$

Video with Dr. David Brady

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.


Hello Friends: 

Please enjoy the links related to healing substances, natural treatment options, doctors and other natural healers.  The links I am providing are from web sites and health summit events that have appeared online that address significant topics that we should all be aware of.  Subjects such as the toxicity in our environment, our foods, personal care products, and the toxins that we have in our body and how to eliminate them.

Please check out my handmade natural soaps.

Link to Educational Blog: Good Fortune Chic
Link to Sales: Etsy Shop for Lisa Marie Naturals

Disclaimer:  This is not medical advice. I am not a medical doctor. I am not prescribing or recommending treatment. If you have a medical condition, see a medical doctor. If you choose to apply anything you learn here, then you are prescribing it for yourself. 

The information and claims made about items throughout this site have not been evaluated by the FDA. Information herein is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent disease. Nor is the information to be used as a substitution for a physician or other health care professionals advice. We strongly recommend that you consult with a qualified healthcare professional if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. We are not responsible for misuse of any information provided on this site.