Sunday, August 30, 2015

Healer: William Anthony, Medical Medium - Notes from His Thyroid Seminar 02/25/15

Notes from the Teleseminar from Anthony William, Medical Medium on Adrenal Fatigue and Thyroid Issues, 02/25/15. He is very knowledgeable about herbs and other supplements. He is a health medium and is dedicated his life to this. He charges about $400 for his initial consultation.
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·   Thyroid Issues result in: weight gain, heart palpitations, brain fog.
·   Thyroid conditions are not detected on tests until years after these issues develop. He said blood tests are not accurate. In fact on other health summits, the doctors said that the usual tests used to detect thyroid problems are not effective. You need different kinds of tests done.
·   Thyroid medications are not for your thyroid. Years later people develop thyroid nodules. The thyroid gets worse over time because the thyroid was not being addressed or helped. We have to be proactive and help that thyroid heal.
·   Thyroid goes hypo (slow) because of toxins. Heavy metals get into the thyroid. Dioxins, plastics get into the thyroid. The thyroid is an electrical sponge that loves to pull in toxins. Pathogens (a low grade virus) get into the thyroid, a virus issue.
·   Hashimoto's is a term for: no one knows what's wrong with your thyroid. It is a term for inflammation. Inflammation is a grey word, over used. Anti-inflammatories are not enough to get well. Inflammation is a fraction of what is going wrong. Poor foods feed pathogens, little bugs.
·   Candida is a pathogen that gets fed by fried food and sugar.
·   Heavy metals are fed by poor foods as well.
·   Toxins and pathogens get trapped in the thyroid and cause thyroid issues.
·   Fibromyalgia and Fatigue is caused by Thyroid issues.
·   Hashimotos and Hypothyroid is a combination of nano-toxins and viral bugs trapped in the thyroid. Thyroid medicine will not restore your thyroid and bring it back.
·   Products good for thyroid: barley grass juice powder. It is barley grass juice that was dehydrated. It gets into the thyroid and binds onto poisons. Chorella and spirulina removes metals. But barley grass juice powders removes metals in the thyroid.
·   Vimergy has barley grass juice powder. He is not an affiliate.
·   Detoxodine is a good product that he recommends.
·   Hashimotos patients should not use iodine, so it is said by doctors. But he thinks Iodine is anti-viral, anti-pathogenic and absolutely necessary to minimize inflammation.
·   Hair loss, weight gain, fatigue are symptoms of thyroid issues. Can all get better.
·   Celery Juice good for the thyroid.
·   Goitrogenic Foods (foods that suppress the thyroid) is all a myth.
1.     Kale (detox plant),
2.     Cabbage (sulfur is antiseptic to knock out pathogens),
3.     Broccoli,
4.     Cauliflower,
5.     Collard Greens are all needed to heal the thyroid.
6.     Baby kale, micro greens with Kale are really powerful to restoring your thyroid.
7.     Antioxidants in fruits are needed.  
8.     Grapes are good for detox.
9.     Fruit sugars are natural sugars and different than other kinds of sugars. They have antioxidants that have not been discovered yet.
10.   Apples are a powerful antioxidant. An apple a day keeps the doctor away -- there is a reason for that.
·   Vimergy sells a Chaga powder. It is a mushroom, popular now. This one is bioavailable that pulls and draws impurities out of the thyroid.
·   Weight Loss: Once we pull the thyroid out of Hypothyroid can lose weight easily. Usually those patients have a sluggish liver. A liver cleanse is needed. The liver is part of the weight gain process.
·   Liver detox herbs: Milk Thistle he doesn't think is that good. Lower the fat levels in the diet. He thinks the fat levels kill the pancreas and the liver. He thinks the trend on eating fats is a belief system and a fad at the moment. [Note: Dr. Esselstyn is a cardiologist teaches that all fats irritate the endothelium, the inner most lining of the heart. He is the father of Rip Esselstyn that wrote the book on the Engine 2 Diet.] Fats from milk, cheese, butter, eggs have to be reduced. Then you give your liver a break. Avocado oil is fine. Fat from plants is a little different, easier to digest.  (See:
·   Asparagus is good to purge fat out of the liver.
·   Technology is not caught up with thyroid testing. The test was developed a long time ago. Nothing comes up on the test for so many women. But so many women have thyroid problems even decades before they are detected on tests.
·   Sweet potatoes is a great food to help the liver come back.
·   Adrenal Fatigue: 85% of the US has had adrenal fatigue at some point in their live. Some last weeks, months and years. You can have a mild version where you feel okay but at 11 AM you crash and are exhausted. Some people can last until the afternoon then they get sleepy. Some people drag all day long and come alive at night time. These are all signs of adrenal fatigue.
·   Things that cause adrenal fatigue: difficulty in the work place, betrayal of our trust in relationships. All of these things are the price of adrenaline. These events cost our adrenaline to burn out.
·   We need to calm the coritsol down. We still experience break ups in relationships, difficulty in business. Adrenaline is like battery acid. It is very acidic. If you squeezed an adrenal gland out and let it touch your skin, it would burn. It likes to hit the brain.
·   We need to restore damages done from adrenal issues, damages done from post adrenaline running through the body. Don't run low on glucose. People tend to go past 2 hours without eating.
·   We need to graze to restore adrenals. We need glucose (sugar). We are talking about natural sugars, not bad sugars. Fruit sugars are fine. We are not talking about white sugar, candy, and processed foods.
·   We use adrenaline when we eat, sleep and dream. It's not just when you are stressed out. So when you have severe adrenal fatigue, the only thing they could do is go to the bath room. That means they are so low on energy they cannot move. It happens. Glucose is critical, eating and grazing.
·   If there is a fad or diet or trend that doesn't believe in grazing that is wrong. If you have adrenal fatigue you have to graze, you have to eat every 2 hours. [Most endocrinologists for treatment of diabetes do agree with this.]
·   Adrenaline has all to do with this, and the liver gets beaten down from this also. From too much adrenaline.
·   Celery Juice : Do 16 oz a day. Do as much as you can.
·   Snacks, apples, grapes, celery sticks, cucomber slices. They all have mineral salts, potassium that support the adrenals that help them to function and bring them back.
·   You can have animal proteins but continue to eat every 1.5 to 2 hours.
·   Astralagus (herb & root) : It's a must for adrenals. Amazing for adrenals in bringing them back. Vimergy has it.
·   Vitamin B12 is a must. It is critical for adrenals. But taken with all the other foods works. It may not work alone.
·   Look out for Adrenal Glandular Supplements - they do damage and effect the thyroid poorly. They are a mild steroid They make you lose hair, make you tired and drain your liver.
·   Licorice Root Tea good for adrenals. Drink it every day. You make it a religion, a process you do every day.
·   Slice tomato, cucomber, celery stick, dates. Dates have a lot of minerals. Minerals save the adrenals. Micro minerals are in dates.
·   Potatoes are good for you. The butter, cream, milk and cheese that gave the potato a bad rap. They have L-Lysine that helps your thyroid. They have potassium to keep you from losing your adrenals under stress. This is why people gobble down French Fries. You don't want French Fries. Steam the potato, boil it or bake it to heal the adrenals, recover them and restore them.
·   Supplements: Doctors don't know a lot about adrenals or adrenal fatigue. Licorice Root is the best. Drink Licorice Root Tea daily. Astralagus is next (Vimergy is potent). Vitamin B12 every day. Don't take B12 shots. People are too sensitive to be doing injections. You want it orally.
·   Insomnia is a form of Adrenal Fatigue. Yes.
·   Sex Drive goes away as a symptom of Adrenal Fatigue.
·   It takes adrenaline to have sex. It takes adrenaline to have a sex drive. Women's bodies have an auto pilot that protects them in child birth. Because you need a lot of adrenaline to give birth. This is why women have post partum depression because they don't have enough adrenaline to give birth.
·   It takes adrenaline to sleep. You don't sleep well when you don't have enough adrenaline to sleep.
 Stay off of dairy products: cheese, milk, butter. They don't help thyroid, they don't help adrenals. Minimize eggs because they are responsible for growing thyroid nodules.